Fashionably Ridiculous: $4000 Pajamas
The world is full of problems. It is full of wrongs that need to be righted, needs that need to be met; gaping chasms of despair, injustice and suffering, which, in many cases, could be avoided if the right people directed the necessary resources where they are so desperately needed.
It is with these harsh truths in mind that one begins to feel utterly ridiculous falling in love with $4,000 pajamas. You can reason that they are not pajamas, they are clothes and the wearing of such magical pajamas out on the town with the right loafer and a beaded clutch would be a look so devastatingly chic that it warrants the price tag. You can reason that, though you own numerous pairs of pajamas, this pair will be the be-all and end-all of pajama purchasing and you will never need to buy another pair or want for any item that bares even the slightest resemblance to pajamas ever again—for these pajamas are the penultimate PJs. You can even argue with yourself that, although you sleep sans pajamas, these are the pair that you have been waiting for, the pair that will make you a proper pajama wearer, finally leaving behind the natural, yet “in flagrante,” life you’ve been leading.
Yes, you tell yourself, these magic pajamas will change your life. You have to have them. Any way you look at it, all reasoning points to yes.
Except, of course, that these are $4,000 pajamas. People the world over don’t have food, shelter, school supplies, access to clean water; the list goes on. And on. And then, the ridiculous, overly analytical you is right back where you started—lusting after the magic pajamas and chastising yourself for it. But, you wouldn’t be the person we know and love if you weren’t.
And regardless of whether you sleep in the nude or clad in pajamas, we accept you, in all your ridiculous glory.
Because what makes the $4,000 pajamas so ridiculous is also what makes you so amazing, they really are that fabulous. They are to be coveted, pined for, thought of with pangs of desire and longing, just like you should be. So donate school supplies to a child in need, lend your voice to a cause that works to end global hunger and then, when it comes times for slumber, stick with your birthday suit or buy the magic PJs and quiet your inner voice. Perhaps you can split the difference and just get the top, no one needs bottoms.
Whatever you decide, we support you, because that’s what ridiculous people do. Especially ridiculous people who want to feel better about lusting after $4,000 pajamas.